Troubleshooting Guide

Who knows, you may find something useful here!


I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you are looking for specific solutions I can tell you I don’t have any, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a problem-solver for people like you.

Some approaches and strategies come so intuitively to me that I don’t even think about them. I wanted to pull a more detailed explanation beyond just ‘my hearts guide me.’ I hope this will be useful to others.

⚠️ I work on this on the side, so expect to be incompleted for a while! ⚠️

Reacting to a Problem

“We cannot choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them” ― Epictetus

Before starting to touch everywhere, you need to diagnose the general case. So it would be best if you asked yourself questions like:

Main Question Follow-up Questions Expected Insights
How bad is it? What is the affected Environment?  
  Does this impact the team delivery?  
  Can we live with the issue?  
What could be a possible cause? Naming unless you are prepared for the unexpected and have ways to avoid depending on the name of resources, some changes may cause disruption as those could prevent you from accessing the right resource or prevent you from reaching the resource.
  Versions a minor update may not cause some issues but you never know! Best to be sure.
  Make plans horrible idea of wanting a relaxed Friday.

Reasoning the scope and range of the issue will reduce the stress caused by the abrupt interruption of your daily activities. And by knowing what it is, you can at least prepare some excuses for the upper management while you figure stuff.

Preemptive Strategies

You can take it as panicking beforehand so you will know what to do when things go wrong. Preparation is key, and it is normal to ignore things that are “working” and don’t add value to day-to-day work. But look at it this way: You are a prepper, and that will pay off eventually.

Negative Thinking

“Expect the best, prepare for the worst.” — Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Considering the worst-case scenario, such as the risk of exacerbating the issue or even losing your job, can be a powerful motivator to set boundaries when troubleshooting. If you find yourself making things worse, it’s a clear sign that these boundaries could have prevented such a situation. Remember, the consequences of not setting these boundaries can be severe.


Some may seem counterintuitive, but tech debt makes our work more exciting and, above all, problematic. Finding those flaws in a critical moment won’t make your life easier.

Even if we have that in mind you mess up, that’s an exciting story for a barbeque or to tell your dates.

Suggested Questions

If your anxiety doesn’t work overtime, I would advise starting to understand the dependencies of the applications/services you have.

You should be able to answer questions like:

As a side note, I always thought Chaos Engineering was about crashing and strengthening things. But that’s only about 20% of it. The rest is about getting to know your systems and the dependencies, as in big architectures, some components are not under our control.

Question Around and Find Out

“When the you stare into the abyss, the abyss doubles it and gives it to the next person” - TikTok Nietzsche

Trying to figuring it out alone is not worth it, may look cool, but it usually it is better to rely on others, like:

Everyone will have a piece of information that will help you uncover the secrets and mysteries, and by that, I mean the Tech Debt. Be aware that sometimes other team members won’t have all the answers. It may be that they didn’t care, or as it usually happens in technology, things stagnate or move fast, so they will probably remember parts of both architectures. This is a convoluted way to say: If they don’t know, that’s okay for them; if you don’t, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?



This may not apply to all companies but it shares some common patterns when working with big teams. I will follow this pattern:

Infrastructure > Development > Additional Teams > Dependencies > Blame the Cloud Provider

But before jumping on each type, let’s go in a different direction, our techniques.


Where should I start? What can I check? Why me? Why on a Friday? - Engineer

It’s normal to question where to begin, but without a structured approach, you may find yourself wandering aimlessly, which can lead to a lot of wasted time. As you progress in your career, having a clear direction and a plan for tackling issues is crucial. This will provide you with guidance and support, helping you step up your game.

I will eventually go deep into each one, but consider the following titles as the suggested approach:

Quick Methods

If everything has been quiet without any changes I would suggest this:

If you are during implementation or testing use the classic approach:

Long Methods

If your problem doesn’t appear to go anywhere any time soon, then you will definetely will need to try any or all of the following:

Understanding is Half of the Battle

Making the process easy to understand will definitely help if new team members have to join the troubleshooting. It’s considerate and inclusive to ensure the process is straightforward and accessible to everyone. There is nothing worse than feeling like you have to start completely from scratch in a troubleshooting process. A new pair of eyes is always welcome, but if things seem to be at a dead end, it is better to concentrate efforts on exploring new avenues to progress. This can save time and effort in the troubleshooting process.

Proper Escalation




Other Stuff


“If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.” - Richard P. Feynman

Git Gud

“I’ve wrestled with alligators, I’ve tussled with a whale. I done handcuffed lightning And throw thunder in jail (…)” — Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Experience is what will make you proud of yourself. There isn’t a magic trick that will solve all problems; instead, there are tools and techniques that can help facilitate your reaction to things and act accordingly.


“When people put you up in the pedestal don’t come off the pedestal acting like your humble. Stay up on that pedestal because if they put you there that’s showing you how high they can see. Stay there and pull them up.” - Víctor Wooten

Plan B

Random Conclusions